If your looking to make a bold statement and feeling brave choose a dominant print . If you are concerned about a large print looking too much or being over-powering you can break it up using molding or a chair rail. I often get clients looking at paint options for their powder room and I always steer them in the direction wallpaper as an option to transform this space and gain a little...
Christmas Fireplace
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….. With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror it is time to turn my attention to the next Christmas Inspiration Series. The Fireplace is often the center piece of any living room but if you...
Christmas Dining Table
Christmas Table Blog. Being a creative soul I can really allow my creativity to run wild. I have always loved Christmas. When we moved to America I took it to the next level. My husband jokes that I should have starred in the original...
Reupholstered Furniture
Re-upholstering is often an option that home owners overlook. They immediately look to buy new when that old sofa has seen better days. And lets be honest – the major furniture retailers make it difficult for us to say know with their Sunday opening hours, free design and delivery service and perfectly staged stores. But over the years I have reupholstered many pieces in my home and for...
Painted Curiosity Cabinet
There is nothing quite as satisfying as transforming a find. I stumbled upon a piece almost identical to this almost a year ago in an antique dealers. I immediately fell in love with the shape as it reminded me of a piece from 'Beauty and the Beast' (I get inspiration from all sorts of places). Sadly, having already paid for the item, I couldn't fit it In the car and when I returned to...
I absolutely love molding! There – I admitted it. It can transform a room from plain and dated to something far-more grand. And done properly you can make your own look. Coming from England I lived in a number of Victorian houses that had the...